accessories, Art, Beyonce, Blake Lovely, Couture, Fashion, Goddess Inspired jewelry Susanna Galanis, Green, Jewelry, Love, Men's Fasahion, Music, New York City, Paris, Spirituality, SummerStyle, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis History and Glamour, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry

Lusting over Lichtenstein

Looking to the past for future inspirations is key for a creative mind. The eyes, mind and soul are constantly wandering and lusting for new creative direction and recently I have found myself in search for a boost of creative energy. My recent rediscovering of Roy Lichtenstein has me falling in love all over again with his use of color.  I happened to stumble upon Liechtenstein’s art over the weekend and haven’t been able to get his retro take on pop art out of my head. With this hot summer heat radiating down upon the city I have been gravitating more and more towards bold colors, especially summer yellow. My recent Lichtenstein obsession has me spinning with ideas for future collections as well as how I can incorporate this new creative boost into my current wardrobe.

Many of the interns are art majors or minors so we’ve been having an ongoing discussion all day debating our favorite Lichtenstein pieces as well as how this pop art genre has inspired so many amazing looks throughout history. From 60’s flower child, to color blocking, and today’s ever popular youthful festival wear, it seems that pop art inspired style is constantly being recycled throughout the generations. I love looking back at how trends from the past have influenced popular looks today! It’s always so fun to take a trip down memory lane isn’t it?

To make this look work for you throw on your favorite summer colors in the forms of geometric shapes or free spirited patterns. Layer your look with Susanna Galanis chains featuring charms and gems finally, finish your look off with a gorgeous gold cuff from my collection. There are so many ways to make this look work for you so have fun with it my fashionistas/os!

Stay inspired my darlings!




To learn more about Roy Lichtenstein and his amazing work follow the follow the links below.

To inquire about the jewelry featured in today’s blog post please look at my website or to set up a private viewing of the showroom please call 212.759.9142.
