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CHRISTIAN DIOR – Haute Couture Autumn 2013



Ladies and Gentlemen, please tell me you’ve been scouring the pages of waiting for the Christian Dior’s Fall 2013 Couture show! The wait was definitely worth it as I am absolutely loving the collection! The sleek bold colors pop with hints of patterns making this collection an absolute dream for any Dior Diva! The collection is chic and sophisticated all while maintaining that sexy flirtatious feel every woman desires from their couture splurge. Check out the images below to see my favorite looks from the collection and be sure to post below and let me know your faves!





To see more from the Christian Dior check out :


Look52 Look47 Look46 Look37 Look31 Look29 Look28 Look26 Look25 Look24 Look22 Look19 Look17 Look13 Look10 Look8 Look7 Look5 Look4 Look3

accessories, Art, Beyonce, Blake Lovely, Couture, Fashion, Goddess Inspired jewelry Susanna Galanis, Green, Jewelry, Love, Men's Fasahion, Music, New York City, Paris, Spirituality, SummerStyle, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis History and Glamour, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry

Lusting over Lichtenstein

Looking to the past for future inspirations is key for a creative mind. The eyes, mind and soul are constantly wandering and lusting for new creative direction and recently I have found myself in search for a boost of creative energy. My recent rediscovering of Roy Lichtenstein has me falling in love all over again with his use of color.  I happened to stumble upon Liechtenstein’s art over the weekend and haven’t been able to get his retro take on pop art out of my head. With this hot summer heat radiating down upon the city I have been gravitating more and more towards bold colors, especially summer yellow. My recent Lichtenstein obsession has me spinning with ideas for future collections as well as how I can incorporate this new creative boost into my current wardrobe.

Many of the interns are art majors or minors so we’ve been having an ongoing discussion all day debating our favorite Lichtenstein pieces as well as how this pop art genre has inspired so many amazing looks throughout history. From 60’s flower child, to color blocking, and today’s ever popular youthful festival wear, it seems that pop art inspired style is constantly being recycled throughout the generations. I love looking back at how trends from the past have influenced popular looks today! It’s always so fun to take a trip down memory lane isn’t it?

To make this look work for you throw on your favorite summer colors in the forms of geometric shapes or free spirited patterns. Layer your look with Susanna Galanis chains featuring charms and gems finally, finish your look off with a gorgeous gold cuff from my collection. There are so many ways to make this look work for you so have fun with it my fashionistas/os!

Stay inspired my darlings!




To learn more about Roy Lichtenstein and his amazing work follow the follow the links below.

To inquire about the jewelry featured in today’s blog post please look at my website or to set up a private viewing of the showroom please call 212.759.9142.

accessories, Apollo, Apollo and Daphne, Art, Beyonce, Coco Chanel, Couture, culture, Daphne Collection, Green, health, Health Wednesdays, Jewelry, Love, Men's Fasahion, New York City, Nike, salad, SummerStyle, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis History & Glamour

Fresh to Daphne

With today’s weather being a fabulous mid 70 degrees everyone in the showroom has been craving a fresh salad from the nearby cafe. As lunch time came and passed it seemed intern after intern came back with a bowl of greens sprinkled with added pops of color in the form of fruit and veggies. Why not incorporate this healthy lifestyle choice into your everyday summer wardrobe? These gorgeous greens got us thinking how my newest Daphne collection adds pops of color to the most basic and fresh summer style. Why not change it up and wear a fantastic outfit of white and throw on a gorgeous green necklace to add some flavor to the mix? Stand out in the most simple of ways this week with a fresh twist on a summer trend. Continue below to see how were thinking fresh today in the showroom as well as one of my favorite salad recipe for a lovely summertime meal.




White spinach salad with caramelized shallots:

For more information on how you can purchase the pieces shown in today’s blog as well as other pieces from my collections please visit my website or call 212.759.9142 to set up a meeting in the showroom.

accessories, Blake Lively, Couture, culture, Jewelry, properties of turquoise, Spirituality, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry

POSTCARD – MagicTurquoise

What is the appeal of turquoise?

For years, as a jewelry designer I was drawn to this precious stone [well, technically, it is considered a semi-precious stone] but you know what I mean. My clients as well feel the same. We are all obsessed with this color! So beautiful and magical. We feel and look great wearing turquoise. Here is why:

Turquoise Healing Properties

Turquoise is aiding in:

♥ Purification ♥ Serenity ♥ Protection ♥ Wisdom ♥ Balance ♥ Strength ♥ Friendship ♥ Love ♥ Positive thinking ♥ Sensitivity

Blake Lively Blue AgateTurquoise is a mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium.  Turquoise is an 11th Anniversary gemstone and vibrates to the number 1 [ my number].

Do you know about Chakras? You must understand their functions in order to understand how turquoise [and other gem stones] helps.  So, let’s get ‘off’ the subject there for a moment [or two, this is a bit lengthy yet extremely important] and learn about chakras.

Chakras (pronounced “Shock-Ruhs”) are whirling concentrated energy centers within and around our physical bodies. They are measurable patterns of electromagnetic activity for receiving, assimilating, and transmitting life-force energy to and within the body. Without this life-force energy we would cease to live. Every living being, including the Earth has chakras. Chakras receive and transmit energy all the time. Chakras are located deep within the center of the physical body next to a hormonal gland along the spinal column.

Chakras are attached along the spine from the base to the top of the head. Chakras draw in Divine life-force energy (also called “ki”, “chi” or “prana”) from the Universe and distribute this vital energy to the physical glands and organs in the body and through the bloodstream and nervous system for optimum health and well being. Each chakra has an influence over the hormonal glands and internal organs in that part of the body where the chakra is located. The chakras also connect the spinal cord, the nervous system, and the hormonal system with our subtle body of vibrational energy called the bio-electromagnetic field or aura.

There are hundreds of chakras within and around you, but most psychics and healers are concerned with only the 7 major ones. Some people are sensitive enough to see or feel the chakras.

Where are the 7 main chakras and what are their related life issues?

Besides their role in maintaining our physical health, chakras also oversee various life issues. Each of the 7 main chakras reflects essential aspects of consciousness and governs our lives, relationships, learning, and spiritual awakening.

1. Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine is red in colour and governs stability, grounding, security, will power, safety, prosperity, physical energy. If unbalanced one may exhibit sluggishness, tiredness, weight problems,  skin,  bone,  teeth and back problems. And on the behavioral side, show signs of greed, fear, fear of change,  anxiousness,  addiction to security,  restlessness and  lack of discipline.

2. Sacral/Naval Chakra, located 3 finger widths below the belly button governs, emotions, emotional identity, sexuality, creativity, pleasure and ethics. If unbalanced my show physically in the form of sexual problems, back problems, problems with reproductive organs, spleen and urinary system. problems. Behavior problems such as, dramatic mood swings, addiction to or fear of sex, emotional dependence, obsession, poor social skills, lack of desire or passion, loss of appetite for food, sex or life.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra, located 3 fingers above the belly button governs,   intellect, power, ambition, self-esteem, will, responsibility. When out of balance, you may see physical signs of arthritis, diabetes, digestive disorders, ulcers, problems with stomach, liver, colon and intestine, anorexia or bulimia, pancreatitis, gallstones and allergies. And behavioral problems such as poor self esteem, overly aggressive, arrogant, stubborn, hyper active, competitive, passive, sluggish, blaming and being unreliable.

4. Heart Chakra, located in the centre of the breasts governs, Love, self-love, intimacy, forgiveness and loneliness. When out of balance, physical signs can be seen as problems of the heart, lungs, breast, thymus and arms, asthma, allergy and immune system problems. In the way of behavior, jealous, critical, lonely, depressed, demanding, narcissism, fear of intimacy and intolerant.

5. Throat Chakra located in the throat area governs, communication, self-expression and divine guidance. It also governs the throat, mouth, ears, thyroid gland, arms, and hands. Physical problems such as stammering, weak voice, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid and ear problems such as earaches and infections. In the way of behavioral problems, talking too much or too little and poor listening skills.

6. The Third Eye Chakra also knows as the Brow Chakra, is located in central to the eyes but up into the centre of the forehead, it governs intuition, intellect, imagination,  creativity and psychic abilities. When unbalanced can show in the physical forms of poor vision, sinus and nose problems, headaches, seizures, learning disability and neurological problems. Behavioral problems can show in the forms of lack of imagination, visualization and foresight, poor memory, obsession, nightmares and hallucinations.

7. Crown Chakra located on top of the head governs, spiritual awakening, enlightenment,  and cosmic consciousness. Physical symptoms of being out of balance, migraine, brain tumor, amnesia, coma, and sensitivity to Light and Sound. Behavioral symptoms include, confusion, cynicism, rigidity, greed, and domination.

What are energy blockages or energy imbalances in the Chakras?

Imbalances in the chakras are known as energy blocks. When there is unreleased emotion such as fear, anger or guilt accumulated from past experiences or when there’s been a lack of nurturing, love, and encouragement during the developmental period, the energy flows less freely to/from the chakras. Whenever a person blocks an experience, he or she blocks the flow of energy to and from their chakras. The chakras become blocked, clogged with stagnated energy, spin irregularly or backwards or can even become distorted or torn.

When the chakras are functioning normally, each one will be open and spinning properly to metabolize the particular energies needed from the universal energy field. If you were to completely think thoughts of love and faith, your body’s energy would flow smoothly between and around the chakras. You would probably feel happy and healthy . Fearful thoughts negatively affect your chakras’ ability to function. That is why you may feel out of sorts or lethargic and not know why. Obsessive thoughts cause the chakras to enlarge and become out of proportion.

Many people close down the top three chakras (Crown, Brow, and Throat) by the time they are three years old as a reaction to the disbelief of their parents and society in nature spirits, spirit friends, and past lives. During the teenage years, the Heart or 4th Chakra often closes down or becomes blocked because of pain and rejection from parents, peers, and lovers. The Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra may close down or become blocked when parents and society force teens into molds they don’t fit. By the time many of us reach adulthood, we have closed down all but the first 2 chakras (Root and Sacral) and even those often have imbalances due to energy blocks.

The closure or imbalance of the energy blockage doesn’t usually occur in response to a single event. It’s the repetition of similar events without relief that eventually closes off the chakra or causes the imbalanced energy blockage.

Why we want to identify and remove energy blocks/imbalances and balance our Chakras?

Yogis knew that a person’s illness often first manifests in the chakras before the physical body. They knew that no one could be completely healed if the chakra system continued to be out of balance. When there is a blockage or imbalance in one part of the chakra system, it has an impact on all the other chakras. Imbalances occur when there is too much or too little energy flowing through the chakras. By understanding how each chakra affects a particular body function and life issue, it is possible to identify where a chakra is malfunctioning. Various techniques can then be used to balance the chakra system and restore health in the individual physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.Holding negative thoughts causes chakras to become dirty with dense, dark energy. This prevents chakras from providing sufficient vital energy for the body. Unbalanced or “blocked” chakras create a whole range of mental, emotional, and physiological conditions.

Keeping Your Chakras in Proper Alignment

Using gemstones is one way to prevent chakra dysfunctions.

Turquoise helps with the Heart, Throat and Eye Chakra.


Chakras – Heart ChakraThroat ChakraThird Eye Chakra
Birthstone – December
Zodiac – ScorpioSagittariusAquariusPisces
Planet – Venus & Neptune
– Air & Fire
Typical colours –
 turquoise, blue, green, yellow-green


Susanna Galanis AGE of gods (2)

Gossip Girl 10Turquoise is a purification stone.  It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.  Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm.  It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks.  Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.  It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love.

Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune systemSusanna Galanis - PRESS, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body.  It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.  Turquoise purifies lungs, soothes and clears sore throats, and heals the eyes, including cataracts.  It neutralises overacidity, benefits rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, and viral infections.

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Classical Education, Couture, Fashion, New York City, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry, Uncategorized

Classical Ideal – Spring ’13 NYC style




Fashion week was here…and gone…leaving its imprint permanently on the pages of fashion history…HISTORY WAS MADE ONCE AGAIN.

Spring 2013 was shown recently in New York City’s runway. 

The beauty, glamour, style and fairy-tale inspired styles were presented to the fashion world again. Glamour must go on…regardless. All the designers did such a fantastic job. Here are my favorite looks. In an “ideal” world, I would wear every one of them. The looks of course, were inspired by Ancient Greece. Lovely! 

