accessories, Art, Beyonce, Blake Lovely, Couture, Fashion, Goddess Inspired jewelry Susanna Galanis, Green, Jewelry, Love, Men's Fasahion, Music, New York City, Paris, Spirituality, SummerStyle, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis History and Glamour, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry

Lusting over Lichtenstein

Looking to the past for future inspirations is key for a creative mind. The eyes, mind and soul are constantly wandering and lusting for new creative direction and recently I have found myself in search for a boost of creative energy. My recent rediscovering of Roy Lichtenstein has me falling in love all over again with his use of color.  I happened to stumble upon Liechtenstein’s art over the weekend and haven’t been able to get his retro take on pop art out of my head. With this hot summer heat radiating down upon the city I have been gravitating more and more towards bold colors, especially summer yellow. My recent Lichtenstein obsession has me spinning with ideas for future collections as well as how I can incorporate this new creative boost into my current wardrobe.

Many of the interns are art majors or minors so we’ve been having an ongoing discussion all day debating our favorite Lichtenstein pieces as well as how this pop art genre has inspired so many amazing looks throughout history. From 60’s flower child, to color blocking, and today’s ever popular youthful festival wear, it seems that pop art inspired style is constantly being recycled throughout the generations. I love looking back at how trends from the past have influenced popular looks today! It’s always so fun to take a trip down memory lane isn’t it?

To make this look work for you throw on your favorite summer colors in the forms of geometric shapes or free spirited patterns. Layer your look with Susanna Galanis chains featuring charms and gems finally, finish your look off with a gorgeous gold cuff from my collection. There are so many ways to make this look work for you so have fun with it my fashionistas/os!

Stay inspired my darlings!




To learn more about Roy Lichtenstein and his amazing work follow the follow the links below.

To inquire about the jewelry featured in today’s blog post please look at my website or to set up a private viewing of the showroom please call 212.759.9142.

accessories, Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek history, Classical Education, culture, Fashion, Goddess Inspired jewelry Susanna Galanis, Hermes, Jewelry, Suanna Galanis History and Glamour, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis Classical Education, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Jewelry

God Hermes


Hermes, the herald of the Olympian gods, is the son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, daughter of Atlas and one of the Pleiades. Hermes is the god of shepherds, land travel, merchants, weights and measures, oratory, literature, athletics and thieves, and known for his cunning and shrewdness. Most importantly, he is the messenger of the gods. Besides that he was also a minor patron of poetry. He was worshiped throughout Greece — especially in Arcadia — and festivals in his honor were called Hermoea.











According to legend, Hermes was born in a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. Zeus had impregnated Maia at the dead of night while all other gods slept. When dawn broke amazingly he was born. Maia wrapped him in swaddling bands, then resting herself, fell fast asleep. Hermes, however, squirmed free and ran off to Thessaly. This is whereApollo, his brother, grazed his cattle. Hermes stole a number of the herd and drove them back to Greece. He hid them in a small grotto near to the city of Pylos and covered their tracks. Before returning to the cave he caught a tortoise, killed it and removed its entrails. Using the intestines from a cow stolen from Apollo and the hollow tortoise shell, he made the first lyre. When he reached the cave he wrapped himself back into the swaddling bands.

When Apollo realized he had been

2hermescondionisosdepraxc3adtelesrobbed he protested to Maia that it had been Hermes who had taken his cattle. Maia looked to Hermes and said it could not be, as he is still wrapped in swaddling bands. Zeus the all powerful intervened saying he had been watching and Hermes should return the cattle to Apollo. As the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre. The sweet music enchanted Apollo, and he offered Hermes to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre. Apollo later became the grand master of the instrument, and it also became one of his symbols. Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. Hermes was also credited with inventing the flute. Apollo, also desired this instrument, so Hermes bartered with Apollo and received his golden wand which Hermes later used as his heralds staff. (In other versions Zeus gave Hermes his heralds staff).

Being the herald (messenger of the gods), it was his duty to guide the souls of the dead down to the underworld, which is known as a psychopomp. He was also closely connected with bringing dreams to mortals. Hermes is usually depicted with a broad-brimmed hat or a winged cap, winged sandals and the heralds staff (kerykeion in Greek, or Caduceus in Latin). It was often shown as a shaft with two white ribbons, although later they were represented by serpents intertwined in a figure of eight shape, and the shaft often had wings attached. The clothes he donned were usually that of a traveler, or that of a workman or shepherd. Other symbols of Hermes are the cock, tortoise and purse or pouch.

Originally Hermes was a phallic god, being attached to fertility and good fortune, and also a patron of roads and boundaries. His name coming from herma, the plural being hermaiherm was a square or rectangular pillar in either stone or bronze, with the head of Hermes (usually with a beard), which adorned the top of the pillar, and male genitals near to the base of the pillar. These were used for road and boundary markers. Also in Athens they stood outside houses to help fend off evil. In Athens of 415 BCE, shortly before the Athenian fleet set sail against Syracuse (during the Peloponnesian War), all the herms throughout Athens were defaced. This was attributed to people who were against the war. Their intentions were to cast bad omens on the expedition, by seeking to offend the god of travel. (This has never been proved as the true reason for the mutilation of the herms.)

345px-Hermes_Logios_Altemps_33The offspring of Hermes are believed to be PanAbderus and Hermaphroditus. Hermes as with the other gods had numerous affairs with goddesses, nymphs and mortals. In some legends even sheep and goats. Pan, the half man half goat, is believed to be the son of Hermes and Dryope, the daughter of king Dryops. Pan terrified his mother when he was born, so much so that she fled in horror at the sight of her new born son. Hermes took Pan to Mount Olympus were the gods reveled in his laughter and his appearance and became the patron of fields, woods, shepherds and flocks. Abderus, a companion of the hero Heracles, is also thought to be a son of Hermes, he was devoured by the Mares of Diomedes, after Heracles had left him in charge of the ferocious beasts. Hermaphroditus (also known as Aphroditus) was conceived after the union of Hermes and Aphrodite. He was born on Mount Ida but he was raised by the Naiads (nymphs of freshwater). He was a androgynous (having the characteristics of both sexes) deity, depicted as either a handsome young man but with female breasts, or as Aphrodite with male genitals.

Known for his swiftness and athleticism, Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing. At Olympia a statue of him stood at the entrance to the stadium and his statues where in every gymnasium throughout Greece. Apart from herms, Hermes was a popular subject for artists. Both painted pottery and statuary show him in various forms, but the most fashionable depicted him as a good-looking young man, with an athletic body, and winged sandals and his heralds staff.

More facts about Hermes (well facts according to the myths and the legends, but I believe them – I believe everything the ancient Greeks believed):

See below the recent birthday (May 25th)  gift I received from my two beautiful nephews George and Angelo. Thank you kids! I love you!


Family of Hermes

Parents: Hermes was the son of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and the mountain Nymph Maea, who was a daughter of the Titan Atlas. Hermes was born inside a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia, southern Greece.
Famous ChildrenHermaphroditus and the Satyr Pan.

Hermes, the God’s Messenger and Conductor of Souls

Hermes was wearing wings on his sandals and therefore was the speediest of all Greek gods. Because of his speed, Hermes received the role of the messenger and conductor of souls to the Underworld. Hermes was the only Olympian god who was authorized to visit Heaven, Earth and also the Underworld and enjoyed this way popularity among all the Greek gods and spirits.article-new_ehow_images_a07_b9_dh_make-hermes-costume-800x800

Hermes, the God of the Thieves

It is well known that Ancient Greeks endowed their gods with human weaknesses. Hermes, for instance, felt an irresistible impulse of stealing ever since his infancy and quickly developed as the god of the cheaters and the thieves.

Hermes’ special Relation to Zeus

Hermes was a messenger of all gods, but mostly he was known for performing duties for his father Zeus with great pleasure. Zeus appreciated Hermes’ wits highly and always asked for Hermes’ assistance throughout his decisions, especially when it came to cheating on his wife Hera.

Appearance of Hermes

Hermes was a young man, wearing traveling clothes, a flat hat known as “petasus” and winged sandals on his feet. Oftentimes he was also considered to have wings attached to his shoulders and hat.
Hermes usually held a winged staff with snakes wrapped around it in his hands in order to gain access everywhere. This staff helped Hermes to charm the gods or to wake up those who were tamed by the god of sleep.

Symbols of Hermes

The caduceus (his staff), the purse (or leather pouch), the winged sandals, the ram and the petasus (his hat).

4911514782_1398194ecf_z hermes-sandal

accessories, Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek history, Apollo, Apollo and Daphne, Beyonce, Blake Lively, Fall '14 Collection, Fashion, Green, Jewelry, Love, Suanna Galanis History and Glamour, SummerStyle, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis Classical Education, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History Jewelry

Love Goes Green

My new collection was inspired from the ancient Grecian story of the God Apollo’s love for the nymph Daphne (For more information on the story follow this link: With pieces made of green-gold and accentuated with green detailing, my new pieces are sure to brighten your summer style. Continue below to see how were seeing green this summer and to discover ways you can work this cool jewel tone into your wardrobe during these hot summer months.




For information on how to purchase my pieces please visit my website or call 212.759.9142 to set up an appointment at the showroom.

accessories, Chakra healing, Fashion, Gem stones healing, Solar plexus healing, Stone properties, Susanna Galanis History & Glamour, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry, Uncategorized

Postcard – Yellow gems and healing

Yellow/Gold gems and how they heal us.

On my previous post, I wrote about the magical properties of turquoise and how it enables us to balance our energy chakras and heal specific areas of our body. Today, I will specifically write about our solar plexus chakra and how we can heal ourselves using the appropriate stones – in this case yellow. [ Please do some additional research on this topic on your own so you can get a greater understanding about this very complex topic, about the importance of chakra balancing and clearing and about the metaphysical properties of stones since there is so much information on both of these areas and is is so difficult to mention everything on this blog.]





Solar Plexus Chakra: The Hand of God

Third Dimensional Chakra: (Solar Plexus)
It is associated with the color YELLOW

The Solar Plexus is located above the navel and below the chest. It is developed between the ages of 18 months to 4 years old. This chakra is where we hold ouself-chakras_body_decorationesteem, power and individuality. It is here where our sympathetic nervous system is vitalized and our metabolism and digestive processes occur. When our solar plexus is balanced we allow our balanced emotions (sacral) to create a positive life experience fully empowered (solar plexus) to create the life of our dreams (root). We are powerful, full of life, supportive and hold all life with a loving embrace.

When this chakra is distorted, the ego is in control. We literally Edge God Out by creating blocks within our system keeping our God self energies and highest source of wisdom and knowledge from guiding us. Our egoic, human personality takes over and thinks it’s the boss leading to all sorts of distortions greatly affecting everything in our path. Because all of our chakras work together if one is out of balance it will affect the others. If our root and sacral are out of balance then our solar plexus will also be affected creating aggressive behaviors. The need to dominate and control others (solar plexus), greed and war become the norm when we are not grounded and connected to the Earth (root) and we have denied our powerful sexual energies and emotions (sacral). Energy never dies; it is in a constant state of movement. This distorted excess energy moves through our system putting the solar plexus in overdrive. Peace becomes impossible and an insatiable desire to control others surfaces. Tremendous imbalance occurs between the aggressors and those who have depleted solar plexus energies. People become enslaved in a system dominated by masculine aggressive energies unable to tap into their own innate power creating a viscous cycle of disempowerment and control. That’s why our planet reflects chaos, turmoil, illness and separation because our lower chakras are either blocked or overactive keeping us from moving divine energy up into our heart chakra activating the truth of our being.





Balanced Solar Plexus: Divine Will Manifested in Physical Reality, Self-control, Able to Meet Challenges, Responsible, Transformative, Personal Power, Healthy Self Esteem, Warm Personality, Playful and Spontaneous, Humorous, A Leader not a Follower, Able to Speak our Truth and Set Boundaries.

Unbalanced Solar Plexus: Attention on Power and Recognition, Domineering, Angry, Arrogant, Need to be Right, Inability to Slow Down, Competitive, Attracted to Sedatives OR Attracted to Stimulants, Weak Will, Low Energy, Easily Manipulated, Passive.

Traumas to the Solar Plexus: Authoritarianism, Domineering Relationships, Excessive and Unrealistic Responsibilities, Shaming, Physical and Emotional abuse.


Bodily Symptoms Expressing Blockage: Digestive Disorders, Ulcers, Blood Sugar Problems, Chronic Fatigue, Hypertension, Liver Problems, Gall Bladder Problems
Many of us use our power incorrectly. We are either powerless and don’t believe in ourselves or we use our power to dominate and control others. Oftentimes, we give our power away to families, friends, churches, governments, and doctors because we don’t want to accept responsibility for ourselves and make the changes necessary to transcend everything holding us back from reaching our highest soul’s potential. We falsely believe it is easier to allow others to figure everything out for us, telling us what to do, rather than relying on our own abilities and intuitive wisdom from our inner being. Giving our power away or desiring to control others is detrimental to our solar plexus chakra.


Many people blocked in this chakra have bought into the belief that they are separate from God and are helpless victims of their circumstances. They block energy from flowing freely keeping them from aligning with their divine self, the true source of their power. They don’t realize they are the creators of their reality and have the power to choose at anytime to make different choices to create a better life for themselves. This creates anger and frustration blocking divine energy from moving up into the fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra.



0b4f84c79d4cf3e8cf503c1782cf1a25The color associated with the solar plexus chakra is Yellow. Yellow is the symbol of the mind, intellect, high intelligence and wisdom. It is a positive magnetic vibration that acts as an equalizer for irritable conditions of the nervous system. The solar plexus is the organizing brain of the nervous system and as such, is an important power center that should be kept in a perfect equilibrium.







P.S. Susanna Galanis AGE OF GODS necklace above


Healing and the solar plexus chakra

Here below are some very precious and semi-precious stones that you can wear [ or just carry] to help you raise your energy vibrations, and to clear all the negativity from your energy field and your body. Please also see as I mentioned at the beginning of this post the other methods of clearing your solar plexus chackra energy center – you will “lighten up” and will allow the divine positive energy in.

• Sapphire
• Citrine
• Fire Opal
Yellow Golden Gemstones from GemSelect• Tourmaline
• Sphene
• Zircon
• Orthoclase
• Chrysoberyl
• Beryl
• Spodumene
• Quartz
• Agate
• Diamond



'Savages' New York Screeningblake-lively-wedding-gossip-girl-season-one-finale-2008-yellow-blue-dress-ralph-lauren-halter-dress-0suprised+Blake+Lively+gets+colorful+films+SeR6daPYIbDl



create your own sunshine


Classical Education, Couture, Fashion, New York City, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry, Uncategorized

Classical Ideal – Spring ’13 NYC style




Fashion week was here…and gone…leaving its imprint permanently on the pages of fashion history…HISTORY WAS MADE ONCE AGAIN.

Spring 2013 was shown recently in New York City’s runway. 

The beauty, glamour, style and fairy-tale inspired styles were presented to the fashion world again. Glamour must go on…regardless. All the designers did such a fantastic job. Here are my favorite looks. In an “ideal” world, I would wear every one of them. The looks of course, were inspired by Ancient Greece. Lovely! 


Fashion, Jewelry, New York Fashion Week Fall '12 Women's collections, Suanna Galanis History and Glamour, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis Classical Education, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry

New York Fashion Week – FALL ’12 highlights

















Here are some of my favorite looks:

accessories, AGE OF GODS Athena Collection by Susanna Galanis, Classical Education, Fashion Shows Spring '12, Goddess Inspired jewelry Susanna Galanis, Jewelry, Suanna Galanis History and Glamour, Susanna Galanis, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History, Valentino Couture Spring 2012

A POSTCARD Valentino Couture Spring ’12 – How pretty!


PARIS Spring’12 – Valentino Couture Collection





Coco Chanel, Couture, Fashion, Fashion Shows Spring '12, Susanna Galanis Inspired by History, Susanna Galanis Jewelry, Susanna Galanis Turn Vintage Jewelry

A POSTCARD Chanel Couture – Paris Spring 2012

“Adornment, what a science. Beauty, what a weapon. Modesty, what elegance.”               Coco Chanel  (Please see my earlier post dated November 4, 2011 for more Coco Chanel quotes.)






