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Good stone

Introduction to Meaning and Uses of Black Tourmaline



Black Tourmaline is a  stone that is revered as a premier talisman of protection, a psychic shield deflecting and dispelling negative energies, or  destructive forces. It guards against radiation and environmental pollutants, and is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts, and turning them into positive, usable energy.

Black Tourmaline is also a powerful grounding stone, electrical in nature, providing a connection between Earth and the human spirit. Its supportive energy aligns the energy centers of the body and channels healing light throughout the system. It promotes a sense of power and self-confidence, allowing for a clearer, more objective view of the world. It is empowering to those who must live or work in challenging environments or when facing difficult circumstances.

Black tourmaline or schorl is one of the most protective stones. It not only protects from the negative thoughts and emotions of others, it also clears your own negative thoughts dissolving tension and stress encouraging a laid back attitude with a clear, focused, objective and rational, neutral thought process.

Black tourmaline is a stone of emotional and mental stability. It promotes a positive attitude even in difficult circumstances. A powerful grounding stone, it helps to bring flighty and scattered energies and thoughts into focus. This also eliminates unnecessary energies from our system by pulling it into the ground to be dispersed. Black tourmaline is a cleansing stone like no other.

Many Crystals and stones have the ability to cleanse negative energies and work quite well for those purposes but tourmaline is one of the quickest and strongest stones for cleaning the subtle energy bodies as well as our environment. Tourmaline takes heavy, dense, low vibrational energy and dissolves and transmutes it to lighter vibrations. Just holding Black tourmaline brings about instant grounding cleansing as well as protection from further dense and environmental energy pollution.

You will see the term pollution used in regards to the uses of Black tourmaline quite often as it has a wide sweeping effect that not only affects the body but the surrounding environment as well. While many stones work on the low dense or negative energy given off by the thoughts and consciousness of your self and others Black tourmaline also absorbs and cleanses natural and man-made sources of energetic pollution.

Black Tourmaline pulls less refined energies such as electromagnetic smog as well as many other environmental pollutants  that are caused by the electrical devices and radio frequencies. A piece of tourmaline taped or glued to a cell phone or computer can help protect you from some of the most common sources of electromagnetic smog. A large piece of black tourmaline is effective in blocking geopathic stress which is believed to be radiation points due to the stresses from the earth itself.

The effects of prolonged exposure to strong electromagnetic fields have been thought to cause, Nervous system symptoms (e.g. fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances), Skin symptoms (e.g. facial prickling, burning sensations, rashes), Various body symptoms (e.g. pain and ache in muscles), Eye symptoms (e.g. burning sensations), Various less common symptoms, including ear, nose, and throat symptoms, digestive disorders, As well as anxiety depression and panic and uncontrollable irrational fears that are said to be responsible for the belief in some haunting scenarios. Black tourmaline is one of the stones to top the list as a protection and cleanser of this energy.


The Electric Stone

Black tourmaline is an interesting energetic stone. Scientists worldwide have long been intrigued by the unique electrical and magnetic properties of tourmaline. American statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin, possessed at least one tourmaline stone and is said to have used it in his experiments (he invented the lightening rod). In Europe in 1880, Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques, a mineralogist, discovered that tourmaline carries a weak electric charge when it is heated (pyroelectricity) or when pressure is applied to its surface (piezoelectricity). Later, research in Japan confirmed that tourmaline carries a faint but constant electric charge of 0.06mA, which is why tourmaline continues to be known as “the electric stone,” especially in Asia. Japanese researchers also found that no matter how small tourmaline is ground or crushed, it is still capable of conveying an electric current.

A Luck Talisman and more

Mystical Tradition says to rub black tourmaline for luck and happiness. This reputation as a powerful stone and a very lucky stone, might come from the piezoelectric qualities. When the tourmaline is rubbed it becomes charged with magnetic electricity and the luck intensifies.

Additionally, black tourmaline can help your overall health and well-being:

  • ground energy (this is a root chakra stone)
  • increase vitality
  • reduce tension and stress
  • clear negative thoughts
  • encourage a positive attitude no matter the circumstances
  • stimulate altruism and practical creativity
  • strengthen the energy body and immune system

How does the black tourmaline work? It help your body towards homeostasis – the state when your body is working perfectly and everything is in balance.  Black tourmaline is said to be one of the best grounding stones because it helps you remain in the grounding circuit of the earth’s electromagnetic field. It also seems to have a constant clearing effect on the Chakras, drawing and grounding any negative energies.



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